Sabtu, Desember 21, 2013

Google Dork 2013

By on Sabtu, Desember 21, 2013

Sealamat siang cak ca cak se genteng sekedar share cak, barusan ane sedang jlan2 di mbah google, kpentok google dork yg kyak ginian, tp maap cak mimin kalo repost silahkan di closed aja kgak masalah...

Symlink dork.

inurl:/sym/root/ & intext:"Parent Directory"

inurl:(shell.php | c99.php) Encoder Bind Proc. FTP brute Sec. SQL PHP-code Feedback Self remove Logout
inurl:(shell.php | c99.php) intitle:c99shell Encoder Bind Proc. FTP brute Sec. SQL PHP-code Feedback Self remove Logout
inurl:(wp-config.conf | wp-config.txt) ext:(conf | txt | config)
inurl:/includes/ & ext:inc & inurl:connect | inurl:dbconnect &
 filetype:txt & intext:"email=" & intext:"pass=" & intext:"charset_test="
lebih lengkapnya silahkan download filenya Disini 

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.

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